Engineering Chemistry

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Engineering Chemistry Course Plan :

Engineering Chemistry Reference Book :

Unit : 01

General Chemistry

Introduction to Chemical Sciences, Basics includes: Periodicity, Types of reactions, various acid base concepts, Electrochemistry, Electrochemical Cell, Galvanic Cell, Electrolytic Cell, Types of electrodes, Single electrode potentials, Reference Electrodes, Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE), Standard Calomel Electrode (SCE), Glass Electrode, Quinhydrone Electrode, Nernst equation, Conductance, Cell constant and its determination, Conductometric titrations, Numerical Green Chemistry Introduction, Principles & Concepts of Green Chemistry, Importance of green synthesis, methods for green synthesis, application of green synthesis, Greenhouse concepts

Corrosion and its Prevention

Definition and types of corrosion water line, pitting, stress, erosion and soil corrosion, Caustic embrittlement, Factors affecting on corrosion (Metallic and Environmental), Pourbaix diagram, Protective measures to control Corrosion, Sacrificial anode and Cathode process for corrosion control., Dry (chemical corrosion), Wet (Electrochemical corrosion) and its mechanisms; Types of electrochemical corrosion, (differential aeration, galvanic, concentration cell.

Unit :02

Energy System

Introduction, classification of fuel, characteristics of good fuel, determination of calorific value of solid/liquid fuel using bomb calorimeter, numerical problems. Power alcohol, unleaded petrol and biodiesel, Introduction, classification – primary, secondary and reserve batteries. Construction, working and applications of Li-ion batteries , Overview of Oil and lubricants

Catalyst and Surface Chemistry

Catalysis: Types of catalysis, Positive & Negative catalysis, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous catalysis, Characteristics of Catalytic action, Poisoning of catalysis, Promoters, Auto Catalysis, Acid-Base Catalysis, Theories of Catalysis process, Catalysis of metal salts Criteria for choosing the catalyst for industrial process, Industrial Applications of Catalysts.
Adsorption: Introduction, Terminology, Factors affecting the adsorption of Gases by Solids, Types of adsorption, adsorption isotherm: Freundlich adsorption isotherm, Langmuir adsorption Isotherm, Determination of surface area by BET method, Application of adsorption.

Unit :03

Advance Engineering Materials and its Applications

Liquid Crystals: Introduction, classification and applications, Organic Electronic Materials: Introduction, types and applications, Chemical Sensors: Introduction, types and applications, Ionic Liquids: Introduction and applications, Chromic Materials: Introduction, types and applications, Synthesis and application of Nano materials.

Cement & Ceramic Materials Cement :

Introduction, Cement and its classification, Manufacture, chemical composition ,setting and hardening , I.S.I specification , physical properties of Portland cement, Lime and Plaster of Paris.

Ceramics and Refractories :

Introduction, Refractories, Properties of Refractories, Some important high refractory materials, Glass, Porcelain.

Unit :04

Water Chemistry :

Sources of water, Soft Water & Hard Water, Types of hardness, Units of hardness measurement, specification of drinking water, Impurities in water, Disadvantages of hard water, Determination of water hardness by EDTA method, Alkalinity of water and its significance, Significance and determination of COD and BOD. Boiler feed water, Scale and sludge formation in boilers and pipes etc , Boiler Corrosion, Water softening through Soda lime process, Zeolite Process & Ion-exchange Process, Characteristics of Potable water, Sources and quality of drinking water, Treatment of water for domestic use: Filtration, Coagulation, Sedimentation and Disinfection, Desalination through Electro Dialysis & Reverse Osmosis, Numerical problems.

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